KWPN (Dutch Warmblood) Naming System 

The KWPN naming system using designated letters each year has been in place for many years. 

By using letters for each year it is easier to identify when the horse was born. The letters Q, X & Y are not used. 

Each foal born in a given year must have a name not to exceed 20 characters or spaces and beginning with the 

designated letter for that year. The KWPN does not have a unique naming requirement except in the case of Approved stallions. Approved stallions must have a unique name and in some cases must be renamed. 

2015/K ~ 2014/J ~ 2013/I ~ 2012/H ~ 2011/G ~ 2010/F ~ 2009/E ~ 2008/D 

2007/C ~ 2006/B ~ 2005/A ~ 2004/Z ~ 2003/W ~ 2002/V ~ 2001/U ~ 2000/T ~ 1999/S 

1998/R ~ 1997/P ~ 1996/O ~ 1995/N ~ 1994/M ~ 1993/L ~ 1992/K ~ 1991/J ~ 1990/I